Welcome to Revision Village!

Are you a student just getting started? This guide walks you through the various features and functionality on Revision Village.

Step 1: Create Your Account

  • Head to https://www.revisionvillage.com/
  • Click on Sign Up at the top right corner.
  • Enter your details and follow the prompts to set up your account.
  • Verify your email and log in to get started.

Download the Revision Village App! This is a fantastic tool to compliment your access to the desktop site: 

Revision Village iOS App
Revision Village Android App

Step 2: Personalise Your Learning Journey

Select your IBDP courses during your onboarding flow. You can also update these directly from your homepage dashboard.

Step 3: Explore the Resources

There's a plethora of resources on Revision Village, here's a summary of what you'll find available across each course:

  1. The Questionbank is a comprehensive set of exam-style questions, categorised into syllabus topic and concept, and sorted by difficulty of question. Importantly, the bank of exam style questions are accompanied by high quality step-by-step mark-schemes and video tutorials, taught by experienced IB teachers. 
  2. Practice Exams offer a range of different learning modes for study. These include topic quizzes for focused study, mock exams covering the entire syllabus, and the 'Revision Ladder' which scaffolds learning into progressively more challenging concepts and questions.
  3. Key Concepts are short, 5-15min summary videos that will help you review the most important concepts and skills necessary for success. They are ideal for a quick refresher before tackling questions in the Revision Village Questionbank or Practice Exams sections of the website.
  4. Past-Paper Video Solutions are exactly this - worked solutions to the questions asked on previous exams. Within each video, an experienced IB teacher will guide you through the solution, step-by-step.
  5. Bootcamps are sequenced, intensive workshops designed specifically for direct revision of the most important concepts, techniques, and skills required for success on the IB exams. Each Bootcamp centers a theme or topic crucial to earning a 7, structured around problems carefully crafted and explained by IB teachers and examiners for students looking to take that final step in their revision process. Bootcamps are accompanied by culminating questions and self-evaluation tests, the perfect tool to determine what revision is required.
  6. Revision Village Prediction Exams are published twice per year by our team of IB examiners & teachers to help IB Students prepare for their upcoming final exams. The RV Prediction Exams are released approximately 1 month prior to the official May/November IB exams. The questions in the Prediction Exams are carefully created to directly align with the trends seen in past IB exams (question topics, question style, question weighting, question difficulty).

We're continuously releasing more tools and resources, so don't be surprised if you find more tools and content areas that are not listed above! 

Step 4: Get Help When You Need It!

Our team are committed to helping you achieve your best IBDP results. We regularly offer different tools to support your learning journey. Two of the most popular services we offer outside of access to the platform are:
  • Study Sessions. These are are expert-led tutorials which take place roughly a month before the two major exam periods and cover both SL and HL courses, focusing on key topics, exam techniques, and problem-solving strategies—all designed to supercharge your academic results. Head to Study Sessions to see more
  • Revision Village Elite Packages bring the best of both worlds - access to Revision Village Gold and personalised 1:1 tutoring with top-tier IBDP teachers.
    You can view the packages here and request further information

Questions? We're here to help. Reach out via support@revisionvillage.com.