Subject-Specific Expectations for Tutoring

It's important to ensure your expectations are aligned with the kind of support we offer. For each subject below, we have outlined exactly what we're able to support you with.

Mathematics (EE & IA)
English (EE & IA)
Biology (EE & IA)
Chemistry (EE & IA)
Physics (EE & IA)
Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS) (EE & IA)
Business Management (EE & IA)
Psychology (EE & IA)

Mathematics (EE & IA)

What to expect 
  • Guidance on Topic Selection: Tutors will help you choose a topic that is mathematically rigorous and aligned with your interest. They will guide you in narrowing down broad topics into specific research questions that allow for meaningful exploration.
  • Concept Clarification: Tutors will explain complex mathematical theories and methods relevant to your EE/IA, such as calculus, statistics, or algebra. This ensures that you understand how to apply the concepts effectively.
  • Support with Mathematical Tools: Tutors will help you use tools like calculators, mathematical software (e.g., GeoGebra, Desmos), or spreadsheets for statistical analysis, but they will not perform calculations for you.
  • Data Analysis and Methodology: Expect tutors to guide you on how to collect, organize, and analyze data, including performing statistical tests. They will provide feedback on your methodology and help ensure it aligns with IB's expectations for critical thinking and analysis.

What not to expect 

  • No Pre-Written Equations or Proofs: Tutors will not provide ready-made solutions or pre-written equations for your EE/IA. You are responsible for creating and explaining your own mathematical models or solutions.
  • No Last-Minute Problem-Solving: Tutors will not complete any calculations or solutions for you at the last minute. Planning and regular sessions are crucial for success.

English (EE & IA)

What to expect 

  • Guidance on Literary Analysis: Tutors will guide you in analyzing literary texts, helping you develop a deep understanding of themes, characters, stylistic devices, and narrative techniques. They will encourage you to make connections between the text and your thesis.
  • Developing a Research Question: Tutors will support you in developing a focused and analytical research question, aligned with IB criteria. They will help refine your ideas and ensure that your EE or IA allows for critical engagement with the text.
  • Feedback on Structure and Argumentation: Tutors will provide feedback on how to structure your essay, ensuring that it presents a coherent argument supported by evidence from the text.
  • Support for Oral Commentary (IA): For the IA, tutors will assist in preparing you for the oral commentary by discussing key themes, helping to develop your commentary structure, and advising on delivery techniques.

What not to expect 

  • No Textual Interpretation: Tutors will not provide you with a fixed interpretation of the text or dictate your argument. The analysis must reflect your own interpretation, supported by textual evidence.
  • No Essay Writing or Editing: While tutors can guide you on improving your drafts, they will not write or edit any part of your EE/IA. Editing or rewriting sections for you violates the IB's integrity policy.

Biology (EE & IA)

What to expect 

  • Research Design: Tutors will help you design a scientifically sound experiment or research method for your EE or IA, ensuring it adheres to the principles of the scientific method and ethical guidelines.
  • Data Collection and Analysis Support: Tutors will explain how to collect and analyze biological data, including using relevant statistical tests (e.g., t-tests, chi-square tests) and software tools (e.g., Excel or statistical software). They will provide guidance on how to interpret your findings within a biological context.
  • Understanding of Key Concepts: Expect tutors to explain complex biological concepts, ensuring you have a thorough understanding of the relevant theories and processes involved in your research.

What not to expect 

  • No Experimental Execution: Tutors will not conduct experiments or collect data for you. You are responsible for carrying out the practical work independently, adhering to IB's requirement for student-led investigations.
  • No Full Data Analysis: While tutors will guide you on how to approach data analysis, they will not perform the analysis for you. You must conduct the calculations and interpretations on your own.

Chemistry (EE & IA)

What to expect 

  • Topic Selection and Research Design: Tutors will assist you in choosing a topic that is both feasible and focused, providing advice on experimental design that meets IB's criteria for scientific rigor and ethical conduct.
  • Explanation of Chemical Principles: Tutors will help clarify key chemical principles and techniques (e.g., stoichiometry, thermodynamics) necessary for your EE/IA, ensuring you understand how to apply them in your research.
  • Data Interpretation: Tutors will guide you on how to interpret chemical data, including titration results, calorimetry data, or spectroscopic readings, and how to present these findings in tables or graphs.

What not to expect 

  • No Lab Work Assistance: Tutors will not conduct lab work or collect experimental data for you. Your EE/IA must demonstrate that you conducted the experiment yourself, including handling lab equipment and analyzing the results.
  • No Data Processing: While tutors can provide guidance, the actual calculations and analysis must be carried out by you. Tutors will not process your experimental data for you, as this violates IB’s academic integrity.

Physics (EE & IA)

What to expect 

  • Research Question Refinement: Tutors will guide you in refining a research question that allows for detailed exploration of physics concepts like mechanics, electromagnetism, or quantum theory. The question should be specific, measurable, and aligned with the IB criteria.
  • Experimental Design Support: Expect support in designing a controlled experiment, selecting appropriate equipment, and ensuring your methodology meets scientific standards.
  • Theoretical Explanation and Analysis: Tutors will explain relevant physical theories and help you apply equations and models in your analysis. They will assist you in calculating uncertainties, analyzing data, and ensuring your findings are consistent with the IB expectations for accuracy and precision.

What not to expect 

  • No Experimental Execution: Tutors will not conduct experiments, take measurements, or set up lab equipment for you. You must perform all practical work independently.
  • No Calculating for You: Tutors will not solve equations or perform calculations for your IA or EE. You are responsible for carrying out the mathematical aspects of your investigation.

Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS) (EE & IA)

What to expect 

  • Interdisciplinary Guidance: Tutors will help you navigate the interdisciplinary nature of ESS by guiding you in choosing a research question that balances both environmental and societal perspectives. They will help you identify relevant environmental issues and connect them to societal factors.
  • Data Collection and Fieldwork: Tutors will provide advice on conducting fieldwork or collecting secondary data. They will help you choose appropriate methods for sampling, monitoring, or surveying environmental factors.
  • Support with Data Analysis and Ethical Considerations: Expect guidance on analyzing environmental data and presenting it in charts, graphs, or maps. Tutors will also help you address any ethical considerations that arise from your investigation.

What not to expect 

  • No Fieldwork Assistance: Tutors will not carry out fieldwork for you. You must conduct any experiments or observations independently, and tutors can only provide advice on how to approach this work.
  • No Simplified Analysis: ESS requires critical analysis of environmental and social interactions. Tutors will not oversimplify your analysis or provide ready-made answers; your work should demonstrate critical engagement with the material.

Business Management (EE & IA):

What to expect 

  • Case Study and Topic Selection: Tutors will help you choose a relevant business topic and research question for your EE/IA. They will guide you in selecting appropriate case studies, secondary sources, or primary research methods (e.g., surveys, interviews).
  • Application of Business Theories: Tutors will help you apply relevant business management theories and models (e.g., SWOT analysis, Porter’s Five Forces) to your research question, ensuring that your analysis aligns with IB’s assessment criteria.
  • Feedback on Data Analysis: Tutors will provide feedback on how to present and analyze business data, guiding you in constructing charts, graphs, or tables that support your findings.

What not to expect 

  • No Business Data Collection: Tutors will not conduct surveys, interviews, or case study research for you. Any primary research must be conducted by you, and tutors can only guide you in designing and implementing the research.
  • No Business Analysis: Tutors will not write your business analysis or conduct SWOT analysis for you. They will only guide you in how to approach the task.

Psychology (EE & IA):

What to expect 

  • Research Design and Ethical Guidelines: Tutors will guide you in developing a sound research question and designing an experiment that adheres to IB’s ethical guidelines. They will advise you on how to ensure participant consent, confidentiality, and the avoidance of harm.
  • Data Collection and Statistical Analysis: Tutors will help you choose appropriate methods for data collection and statistical analysis (e.g., correlation, ANOVA). They will guide you in interpreting the results of your research and ensure that your analysis meets IB standards.
    Feedback on Psychological Theories: Tutors will clarify relevant psychological theories and studies, helping you connect them to your research and develop a coherent argument.

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