IB Tutoring Guidelines for Extended Essay (EE) and Internal Assessment (IA)

What to Expect and Not Expect

General IB Academic Integrity Policy Overview

According to the IB Academic Integrity Policy, all work submitted for assessment must be the candidate's original work. While tutors, teachers, and other mentors can provide guidance, they are prohibited from writing, editing, or completing parts of the student's EE or IA for them. Teachers and examiners must ensure that assessments adhere to IB standards and maintain the integrity of the program.

General Expectations - what you can expect from tutors

1. Guidance and Structure
  • Breaking Down the Process. Tutors will help you divide your Extended Essay (EE) or Internal Assessment (IA) into clear, manageable sections. This means creating a structured timeline that outlines specific tasks for each stage, including choosing a research question, conducting background research, developing a methodology, collecting and analyzing data, and writing each section. The goal is to ensure that you stay organized and focused throughout the process. 
  • Step-by-Step Support: Tutors will explain what is required at each step of the EE/IA, offering strategies on how to approach each part. For instance, they might suggest methods for developing an introduction that clearly sets the scope of the research question or provide tips on synthesizing research findings in your conclusion. Their role is to make sure you understand what each section of your work should achieve according to the IB criteria.

2. Conceptual Understanding

  • Clarifying Concepts: Tutors will explain key subject-specific concepts, theories, and terminology that are relevant to your EE/IA. For example, in an Economics IA, they might explain the intricacies of supply and demand analysis, while in Biology, they could help you understand experimental variables and controls. This foundational knowledge is crucial for conducting a meaningful investigation.
  • Application of Theory: Tutors will demonstrate how to apply theoretical concepts to your research question. They may use examples, real-world applications, or past papers to show how concepts fit into the context of your investigation. This ensures that you not only understand the theory but can also use it to support your arguments effectively.

3. Topic Refinement 

  • Brainstorming Sessions: Your tutor will assist you in brainstorming potential topics and formulating research questions by asking probing questions about your interests and the scope of your chosen subject. They will guide you to choose a topic that is specific, feasible, and meets the IB's academic standards.
  • Aligning with IB Criteria: Tutors will work with you to ensure that your topic is aligned with the IB criteria, which means selecting a question that allows for critical analysis, personal engagement, and subject-specific depth. For example, in an English EE, they might encourage you to focus on a specific literary device in a particular work rather than a broad overview. The tutor's role here is to facilitate your independent exploration, ensuring that your research question is unique and manageable.

4. Methodology and Analysis 

  • Research Methods: Tutors will provide advice on selecting appropriate research methods for your chosen subject, whether it's conducting an experiment, performing a case study, or engaging in secondary data analysis. For example, in Psychology, they can guide you on how to design a small-scale experiment while considering ethical guidelines, while in Mathematics, they might suggest the use of statistical models or simulations.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: Tutors will help you understand how to collect and analyze data effectively. They will show you how to use tools such as spreadsheets for quantitative analysis or thematic coding for qualitative research. Importantly, tutors will also guide you on how to present your findings in a clear and coherent manner, using charts, graphs, and tables as needed.
  • Evaluation: They will coach you on how to evaluate your research methods, discuss limitations, and suggest possible improvements. Tutors will guide you to think critically about the reliability and validity of your results, emphasizing the importance of objectivity and self-reflection in line with the IB's academic standards.

5. Feedback 

  • Reviewing Drafts: Your tutor will review your drafts and provide detailed, constructive feedback. This feedback will focus on how to strengthen the structure, coherence, and argumentation of your work, addressing issues such as the clarity of your research question, the logical flow of your analysis, and the depth of your evaluation.
  • IB Criteria Alignment: Tutors will ensure their feedback aligns with the specific assessment criteria set by the IB for your subject. They will point out areas where your work meets or falls short of the criteria for analysis, evaluation, and critical thinking. Their feedback will help you make improvements in a way that complies with the IB's academic integrity policy, ensuring that the final product reflects your independent research and understanding.

6. Skills Development

  • Critical Thinking: Tutors will help you develop your critical thinking skills by engaging in discussions about the reliability of sources, forming balanced arguments, and addressing counter arguments. For example, in an Economics IA, they might discuss how to evaluate the impact of a government policy using different economic theories, prompting you to consider various perspectives.
  • Analytical Writing: Tutors will guide you on how to write analytically by linking evidence to arguments and drawing insightful conclusions. They will teach you how to articulate your ideas clearly and concisely, emphasizing the importance of academic tone and style appropriate to the IB.
  • Technical Skills: Depending on your subject, tutors will help you develop subject-specific technical skills, such as using statistical software for data analysis in Mathematics or creating annotated diagrams in Biology.

7. Time Management 

  • Setting Realistic Deadlines: Your tutor will assist you in setting up a realistic timeline for completing each section of your EE/IA. They will help break down your work into smaller tasks, such as conducting research, writing drafts, and revising content, to ensure steady progress and avoid last-minute stress.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Tutors will schedule regular check-ins to monitor your progress, offer advice, and adjust your plan if necessary. This ongoing support is crucial for meeting internal and IB deadlines.

What not to expect from RV Tutors 

1. Writing or Editing the EE/IA

  • Academic Integrity Compliance: According to the IB's academic integrity policy, your EE/IA must be your original work. Tutors will not write or edit sections for you. While they will provide feedback and suggest improvements, the actual rewriting and incorporation of changes must be done by you. This ensures that your work is an authentic reflection of your own understanding and efforts.
  • No Direct Edits: Tutors will not correct grammatical errors, rewrite sentences, or make direct edits to your document. Instead, they will point out areas that need improvement, such as where arguments lack clarity or where analysis could be deepened, leaving the revision process in your hands.

2. Providing Ready-Made Topics

  • No Pre-Made Questions: Tutors will not provide you with a ready-made research question or topic. While they will help brainstorm and guide you in refining your ideas, the final selection and framing of the research question must come from you. This approach encourages personal engagement and ensures that your work aligns with the IB's expectations for independent student research.
  • Individual Exploration: Tutors will challenge you to explore and develop a research question that genuinely interests you, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility for your work.

3. Guaranteeing Grades

  • No Grade Promises: Tutors are here to support your learning process and help you produce high-quality work, but they cannot guarantee specific grades. The final assessment is conducted by IB examiners and moderators, who apply the criteria independently and holistically. Various factors, such as the examiner’s interpretation of the assessment criteria, can influence your final grade.
  • Focus on Learning: The tutor's role is to guide you in meeting the IB criteria and developing your analytical, research, and writing skills. While this support is designed to help you achieve the best possible outcome, the emphasis is on fostering deep understanding and intellectual growth rather than aiming solely for a particular grade.

Last-Minute Miracles

  • No Quick Fixes: Tutors cannot rewrite or fix your EE/IA at the last minute. Quality work requires time, reflection, and multiple drafts, aligning with the IB's academic integrity policy, which emphasizes ongoing and meaningful student engagement. Expect to work consistently over several weeks or months with your tutor's support.
  • Consistent Effort: Tutors will encourage you to start early and engage regularly with the process. They will support your efforts to produce work of high quality, but the responsibility for your progress and outcomes ultimately rests with you.

As a general disclaimer when Revision Village Tutors initially meet you they shall mention; that the IB has a strict academic honesty policy that requires that students complete written work for themselves. Tutors can provide support and feedback, however  your teachers can and will recognise when work is not authentically written by you. The use of AI tools is acceptable as long as it is cited appropriately and not used to generate the final submission (the IB provides guidance on how to cite these), and any suspicions of violation to the academic integrity policy could jeopardize your entire IB Diploma, not just the specific subject they are seeking help with. Tutors, therefore, will not directly edit or dictate content for any official IB assessments but will provide advice and feedback on the development and editing of said work!