How do I create a task or assessment?

Tasks and assessments are great ways to get the most out of Revision Village. They enable you to understand how your students' are progressing in their academic journey.

With a free teacher account, we provide 5 complimentary tasks/assessments. With RV Educator Pro, you have access to many more assessments as well as the entire library of content for the course. You're welcome to view more on this here

When you login to Revision Village, first check you have a teacher account. You'll see this under your profile settings. 


To start, select 'Assessments' from the top navigation menu


Once you've selected your course, you'll have the option of selecting either a practice exam or custom assessment

A custom assessment allows you to build a test or task using any content from your nominated course. The practice exams comprise of topic quizzes, mock exams, and the scaffolded revision ladder.


From here, both workflows are similar in setup. 

  • Task Name: The name of the task or assessment
  • Available From: The date from which the students can complete this assessment.
  • Available To: The end date of the task or assessment. Students will no longer be able to complete the task or assessment after this date. Assessments can only be available for a maximum of 30 days.
  • Show video solutions: Gives you control over when students will have access to the video solutions.
  • After Submission: Students can view video solutions only after they have submitted the assessment
  • Require student responses: Turning this on will allow students to complete the assessment or task within Revision Village and you'll be able to mark it and get insights from results.
  • Auto mark assessment: Allow Newton AI to do an initial pass at marking any submissions that come through
  • Only provide feedback: Don't give students a numerical mark, just feedback on how they did.

Selecting subtopics 

Before we can see questions, lets narrow down what topics we'd like to see questions from. 

Clicking on the topic shows you the subtopics within it. Here you can choose one or more subtopics to include in your selection. 

As you select, you select subtopics, a badge containing the number of selected subtopics will appear next to the topic name. If you'd like to choose all subtopics, simply click on the checkbox next to the topic name.

The below screenshot shows that we have all 6 subtopics within "Cell Biology" selected, and 4 of Molecular Biology selected. However, for the purpose of this demonstration, we will only select subtopics, "The Origin of Cells" and "Cell Division".


When you're happy with your selection, move on to "Select questions". Here we have two key areas of the page:

  • Summary and time management controls: We summarise how many questions you've selected and how many marks the questions are worth. As a teacher, you are in control of how long the assessment or task should be based on the number of questions/marks selected. Note: A stopwatch timer is displayed to students, if no maximum time is set. A countdown timer is displayed to students if a maximum time is set. In either case, you can toggle the timer to hide it.
  • Question selection: You can click on your chosen subtopics on the left to view the respective questions. To make finding questions easier, you are also able to filter the questions based on Paper and difficulty. You can click on the expand question icon to view the full question, along with the mark scheme and video solutions.


Well done! You've now completed the following steps:

  • Setting up your exam parameters
  • Selected topics and subtopics
  • Chosen questions
  • Arranged your question selections

Here's a summary of all your choices thus far and a question distribution by topic, subtopic and mark distribution. If you are happy with what you see, click "Create".

The final step - sharing the task/assessment with your students

You are now presented with a link to share with with your students. Most teachers will share this via their Learning Management System, or send the link out via email once they've copied the link. From this point you can return to the homepage, or view the task/assessment you've set.